Gil Maia Exposição em curso, em atividade, do momento: Lugares Impolutos

Art Madrid'24

Galeria São Mamede Gil Maia Ícone: seta para link branco

March 6th to 10th — 2024

Lugares Impolutos2023

See more Gil Maia Ícone: seta para link
Gil Maia Peça de Destaque: Lugares Impolutos

Quase Lugar2022

See more Gil Maia Ícone: seta para link
Gil Maia Peça de Destaque: Quase Lugar

On Paper2019

See more Gil Maia Ícone: seta para link
Gil Maia Peça de Destaque: On Paper

Gil Maia Fotografia do Artista

Me and Painting

I am a painter. When I am in full harmony with painting, the serendipities arise with such fluidity and naturalness that decisions cease to be a problem. Chance becomes the decision. However, being in tune is the most difficult state, as it is not something one decides to be in, but rather just is. This requires a belief and a persistence that come from continuous work, constant maturation and learning, mental preparation, and connection with the more opaque dimension of myself. Painting is not just an act, it is also inaction to give space to thought, reflection, and memory.

See more Gil Maia Ícone: seta para link